Academic Publications

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It has been a pleasure to contribute to several fine academic publications. We continue to push the boundaries of this technology but do not take the time to share our results. Thank you to the authors and publishers.

If you want to learn more about advanced technologies and detailed case studies of 3d printed projects, check out these must-read books: 

◾ 3D Printing and Material Extrusion in Architecture (DOM publishers, 2024): by Kostas Grigoriadis and Dr Guan Lee.

◾ Coding Architecture edited by Pierpaolo Ruttico

Don't miss out on the chance to gain valuable insights and inspiration from these remarkable publications!

We are honored to be featured in a beautifully edited and informative "Construction and design manual" along with the work of Samuel Esses, Javier Ruiz Rodriguez, Dr Michael Herrmann (Technische Hochschule Lübeck), Marina Konstantatou (Foster + Partners) and Alejandro Nieto Jiménez (Meltio), Dr Guan Lee, David Andreen, Ana Anton, Dr Sc, Chris Borg Costanzi, Luca Breseghello, Edouard Cabay, Marjan Colletti, Marcos Cruz, Alessandro Dell'Endice, Nick Ervinck, Ana Goidea, Dr. Norman Hack, Lucas ter Hall, Hedwig Heinsman, Michael Herrmann, Andrei Jipa, Marirena Kladeftira, Michiel van der Kley, Ena Lloret-Fritschi, Leslie Lok, Roberto Naboni, Stefana Parascho, Brenda Parker, Dave Pigram, André Studart, Henry UNTERREINER, Lei Yu, Philip F. Yuan, Emma Chris Avramiea, Volker Ruitinga, and Sasa Zivkovic, from companies and universities such as ETH Zürich, SDU CREATE, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, MX3D, WASP, Gramazio Kohler Research, The Bartlett, UCL's Faculty of the Built Environment.

#architecturebooks #advancedarchitecture #edditivemanufacturing #vertico #3dcp

FAQ About the Printheads

Do I need an HMI for printing with Accelerated printhead?

Yes, an HMI (Human-Machine Interface) guides you through the entire 3D printing process with 2-component materials—from preparation to printing and cleaning. It provides real-time data from the printhead’s sensors, giving you full control over the printing process by monitoring key parameters such as accelerant pressure, material flow, etc.

Where can I get materials for 1K printing?

We are open to working with various suppliers, and our experience with multiple market-available materials allows us to offer feedback and local reseller recommendations.

What is the biggest advantage of the Accelerator Printhead compared to a standard one?

The Accelerator Printhead unlocks unparalleled design freedom, allowing for large overhangs, intricate patterns, and complex geometries—perfect for architecture and custom design. It also enables rapid curing, reducing production time while maintaining high precision and structural integrity.

What materials can be used with the Accelerator Printhead?

We have developed a high-resolution, stable material specifically optimized for the Accelerator Printhead. When you purchase a machine, we provide our material recipe free of charge for your local production. Additionally, you can use any suitable material available on the market, offering flexibility for different projects and requirements.

What software does Vertico provide, and is it included with the machine?

Vertico offers an advanced in-house slicer software, designed to handle even the most complex 3D concrete printing projects. Our software comes license-free with every machine purchase, along with full training to ensure you can maximize its potential.

Dive Into the New Era of Design with Vertico

Discover Vertico's state-of-the-art concrete 3D printing solutions that turn visionary ideas into reality.