From Madrid with Innovation: Our Latest Installation

We’re thrilled to announce our latest installation in Madrid, Spain, where our 3D concrete printing technology is unlocking new creative possibilities!

This collaboration with Jardineras Meraki, a company specializing in concrete-molded urban designs, marks an exciting step forward. By introducing 3D concrete printing into their projects, @jardinerasmeraki can now explore new levels of design freedom and efficiency, turning bold ideas into tangible, stunning results.
We’re proud to support this exciting evolution and can’t wait to see how this partnership sparks even more innovation in the world of design.
A special thanks to Leonardo Campos for the incredible collaboration!
#vertico #JardinerasMeraki #Madrid #digitalmanufacturing #3dcp #concrete #additivemanufacturing #3dprinting #3dconcreteprinting #3dconcreteprinting #digitalmanufacturing #robotics #parametricdesign

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